Transforming our community by loving, living, and teaching God’s grace through Jesus Christ.
Welcome To New Hope Puna
A church committed to the commission of Jesus Christ, to make new disciples of all nations.
We welcome you and everyone to our community and His kingdom.
Join our Sunday Worship
Every Sunday at 9:00 am
We Love Serving Our Local Community
Our Food pantry is open to all on the second Friday of each month at 1:00 PM, right here on the New Hope Puna campus.
The Chosen – Season 4
Want to watch the Chosen season 4? Well you can’t at home . . but you can at New Hope Puna! We have been officially licensed for public showings of The Chosen!! Starting April 17,…
Noahs Ark VBS was a hit!
We had so much fun at the Noah’s Ark Kid Party on September 3rd, 2023. With over 30 keiki and their families learning about Jesus through the history of Noah and his families dedication to God….
Our new website is LIVE!
We’ve updated our website, with a new domain name too, . . . dot church, it says who we are, what we do and no confusion about what kind of “org” we are. Yes…
Seek God
We seek to love God and love people into God’s family, by presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in such a way that they become growing disciples who effectively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ